
Houston, We have buds!!

I need to reverse the obituary on my popcorn verburnum. It is ALIVE! Fancy that! Yesterday I was walking a friend around my yard showing her all of my plantings, when we came across the verburnum. I told her the story surrounding it and just when I started explaining how I thought it may be alive since the wood inside was still green, she agreed. There amongst all of the brown november like branches were buds. LOTS and LOTS of buds...... and a few green leaves. I am hoping it has come back and will be with me for a long time. It is quite a gorgeous plant, when alive and blooming.

Yesterday and today (and probably a bit tomorrow), I have been catching up on work that should have been done a month ago. I began staking my tomato plants. and boy is that a chore. I should have done it when they were little and able to be tied...... but I waited and now they are vining all over the place. Most have taken on a second set of roots and have extremely crooked stems. Staking crooked stems sucks! But I do have maters on some and all have several buds. It seems tomato season is coming which means canning season is here too!!! Yeah!

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