
Gardeners Supply

I got my newest magazine from Gardners Supply. It is filled with all kinds of fun gardening stuff. Like colored tomato cages that reach to the sky, solar globes that recharge during the day and then shine at night, and my newest favorite, green artwork. When I say "green" I mean living artwork. It is a box made of cedar and is hung on the wall. There is a grid in the middle and water reserves above and below. You can place the box on a semi lighted wall where you'd plant ferns and other low light plants, or you can place them in a sunny spot, where you could plant anything else. So far it has received low reviews, however, I think one could, with some craftiness, attempt to make something like this at home....... I may because I think it is SO COOL!!! Here is a link to it.... http://www.gardeners.com/Living-Wall-Indoor/NewIndoorPlanters_Cat,37-085RS,default,cp.html#MyReviewHeader

If I attempt to make this, I will definitely post the progress.......

I've begun thinking about my spring garden. I am so looking forward to planning and actually the tilling of my ground. I am SURE when I am tilling and post tilling I will be M.F.ing the whole process, however, right now while I am home bound from snow and cold...... tilling ground sounds AWESOME!!! I am planning right now to do raised beds and I am hoping to finally put into place and use the square foot method. I hear it is the most productive and easiest to keep up with..... Lordie knows I need the help.