
Just When I Thought I Wanted to Live in the City....

I spent time in my garden.

Last night I attended a meeting about the fate of a historic building, in which my business is located. All of the insanity aside, the plans were quite beautiful. I envisioned selling my house and moving into the waterfront condos. With basically no need for a car, I would be living in my green heaven.

I should also mention I am at a point in my life where I want to do what makes me happy in the moment. Nothing else matters than this moment. So with that attitude I awoke today wanting to be outside and outside I went. I started with some simple weeding, followed by planting some plants that were given to me months ago by friends. I then got out the mower and mowed the front lawn. During the mowing process, I believe the humming put me into a trance. In that trance, I realized, I'm happiest in my garden. Even when it is back breaking and exhausting, my yard brings me such joy that losing it all together would be awful.

I am not going to worry about the future, but one thing I know...... I always need a garden.

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