
Cathartic Gardening

This morning I woke up with my new goal at hand.  Each morning I wake up between 6 and 6:30 and head right out to the garden to weed.  I figure even a few minutes pulling weeds will make my garden prettier and will keep me on track.  Plus, with that as the goal, getting out of bed will hopefully be easier.

So I went out and started pulling some weeds in the front yard.  A few minutes in I realized I needed to weed another portion of the yard.  So I moved there.  Pretty soon my Adult ADD set in and I couldn't stop moving from space to space pulling all the weeds.  In front of the house, on the side, behind...... OH MY!  I also got other tasks done:

I finally got the Lily of the Valley planted from my grams funeral.

I dug up some Lillies to give to a friend who gave me some Allium.

Then I delivered the plants and went onto the nursery.  There I bought a butterfly bush and a beautiful daisy along with some more hot peppers and annuals for my planters.

I planted my boots and my three tiered planters plus a watering can and bucket that I never got around to planting last year.

I staked my tomatoes for the first time EVER this early in the season.

I almost completely weeded my garden bed.

I planted EVERYTHING I bought.

I raked up the weeds and tidied up the garden area.

I planted potatoes for the first time.

I dug up and turned over one garden bed area where the ivy keeps coming back.... pulling out all of the roots.

Somewhere in the midst of all this work, I sat and cried.  I cried and cried and cried.  I have some reasons and I also have some nonsense reasons for crying, but it felt good.  Six and a half hours later, my yard looks better and my heart is a little less heavy.  How is that for cathartic gardening?

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