

I went to the garden center the other day and purchased some Deer Scram. It worked a few years back to keep Bambi from topping my tomatoes so I figured, what the hell I'll give it another try. Plus when I asked the man working at the garden center what will keep the deer from eating my spring bulbs, he said, "Deer Scram" with out hesitation. Two of us can't be wrong, right?

So, I spread it around all the bulbs the same day I bought it and haven't looked at them since... it's been a few days. Today I went out to have a look and I am perplexed. I can't tell if the deer ate more or if the eaten plants are remnants of the feedings that took place before Deer Scram. I took some pictures today and hope that I can maybe piece together if it is working or not. If it is not working, I'm going to have to figure something else out. The deer around here, are not shy!

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