As usual, I haven't blogged in some time. I forget or get tied to other things and just never blog, even though I have every intention of doing it.
Summer went by and was very dry. As such, a lot of my plants died. I am just awful at maintaining them. It is a wonder my children are alive and well.
In any case, the one area that did well was my herb garden right outside of my front door. I'm REALLY hoping that all the plants come back next year. I am also searching for somewhere to plant my mint. I want to put it in the ground and let it go. I know it is a bear to get rid of, but I could not see myself wanting to get rid of that plant EVER!
Our garden wasn't as exciting this year. I need to fix our stake problem. We just never get the tomatoes staked right. I ended up buying tomatoes this year from the farmer to make salsa. We never got a chance to make any plain tomatoes. I'm quite bummed about it.
I did however, get about a bushel and a half or almost two bushels of apples. I'm planning on making apple butter and can't wait to get started on it. The kids, I think will really enjoy helping do this.