I went to work on my mint garden. After standing there during mid day, I realized the area I had slated for my mint garden did not receive enough light. So I changed plans. It has been on the back burner of my mind to break apart my plethora of day lillies and transplant them. So the area that was supposed to be minty freshness now became full of day lillies.

Transplanting these little babies involved me digging out the weeds/patchy grass, turning over the dirt, walking behind the garage to the compost pile and loading up a 5 gallon
bucket, then spreading the compost over the dirt and then re turning over the dirt. I then walked across the driveway and dug out some day lillies, split them with my hands then re planted them in the compost mixture. After replanting an entire section, hub would hand me a bag of freshly ground sticks from our property to add on top as mulch. This entire operation took until about 5pm and yielded me an entire section of yard in which I can leave to Mother Nature. However, the area I was trying to clear out for my mint garden,
still contains over 3/4 of the day lillies. It seems in splitting them, they go far..... REALLY FAR!

Hub spent the time adding the screens back to our windows, which is a God sent as the last few nights I've been eaten alive in my own home. The other night, I killed a mosquito and when hub saw it he asked if it was real. I'm not even going into the smart ass comments that came out of my mouth with that question.... but lets just say, "YEAH! IT WAS REAL!"
After screens he used our chipper, lovingly called "the beast", to chop up a pile of sticks and leaves we had set aside since fall. Those became the mulch around the new day lillies. I love recycling!
Hub then
decided to move our gas grill to the "other side" of the drive way. He cleared out the weeds, recycled some rocks we had on hand and built a little patio for the grill to sit on. He is quite excited about it's new location. I think it looks good, but am not as excited. Our other option is on a deck that has yet to be built. Looks like this will have to do for now.

Tomorrow, we have more plans in store. We also are not sleeping in and are hoping for an earlier start. There are talks of a trip to the garden center, again. Those people at Best Feeds are beginning to know us by name. I still am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Stay tuned!