So it was a successful thanksgiving. I hosted for the first time. About 20 people decended into my small cottage home. Matt and I flipped our rooms around and made the "living room" our dining room and vice versa. It worked out well although I was so busy cooking and hosting that I forgot to take pictures. Bummer!
You are probably wondering why I am blogging about my thanksgiving, even if it was a really cool event, on my gardening site. Well, it is because I decided to buy local this year. I bought my turkey from Pounds Farm, which is about 45 minutes or so away from my home. It was by far the BEST decision I've made so far! It was delicious! I ordered the largest bird they could give me. 28.5 pounds to be exact. It barely fit into my oven and was something of a comedy skit to get the bird dressed and into the cooking bag! Matt and I wrestled the thing almost dropping it several times. But all was well in the end. Juicy, moist and BIG!
My next mission was moving onto christmas and figuring out how I was going to give away my quince jelly and pumpkin puree in a pretty fashion. So I began cutting squares of fabric to stretch over the lids. I don't really like the presentation, but since I am a hot minute away from the holiday, I have to rethink it next year. Suggestions are welcome. I went to half priced books and purchased a book on creative gift wrapping. Maybe I can pull something from there for next year.
Starting in the new year, I am going to attempt to post weekly (we'll see how that goes) and I am hoping to start growing some fresh herbs..... both for cooking and for tea. As you saw in my last post, herbs in my house don't do well. Maybe 2009 will be the year I get my green thumb!
One REALLY bad gardener attempting to change her fate using hands on practice.
Dead, Dead and MORE DEAD!
So I brought in a few plants for the winter, thinking they would be better off in my care then to the harsh winters.......
well currently of the four plants I've brought in, all four are dead. I then purchased one more plant and that croaked before the first week was up. Not sure what I am doing to these poor plants, but my house is beginning to resemble something from the Adams Family!!! Seriously, how bad can one person be?????? I best not ask, I fear it could get worse!
Canning Pumpkin!
As I sit here writing this blog, I am also in the process of canning pumpkin for the very first time. My time typing is often interrupted by running to my pressure canner (which I am also using for the first time) to be sure my pressure remains at 11. (pause for checking canner... I just checked and my canner was approaching 12. It needed to be at 11, so I turned down my fire but it seems it was very low and I am afraid of it going too low..... so it looks like I'll be pausing more than I originally thought--- sorry folks).
In any case, back to the pumpkins. I purchased 4 sugar pumpkins from the farm a few weeks ago. I hadn't gotten around to canning them until today. Boy am I glad I didn't do it before today. My kids have gone to grammas and so I had all day today to fool with these new gadgets. (Pause for checking canner.... still good) I first cut the pumpkins and fished out the seeds and guts. Although the taste of pumpkin and squash is AWESOME, I sometimes wonder why it takes so much muscle and effort to get the damn things to their cooking stage. I almost chopped my fingers off too many times to name. The one thing that is both annoying and interesting to me is when you first cut open a squash--- it starts oozing what look like beads of sweat, but it is a sticky but slick nectar. This nectar makes them a hazard for cutting as it is quite easy to slip and slice something off..... however I find that part very magical.... like the beading its way of saying, "yes I am alive" or as if out of some horror show, "NO! DON'T EAT ME!!". No other fruit or veggie does this, just squash. (pause for checking canner.... slight adjustment needed, it was at 12 instead of 11) Don't you find this amazing? I sure do. Mother Nature never lets me down with her variety of life.
Back to pumpkins- I cut the four up into chunks and put it on the stove with a bit of water. Boiled the hell out of it and then sent it through a medieval looking device. It was my moms and it basically takes squishy fruit and veggies and grinds them up into a thickish paste. I LOVE using this thing. It really grinds up the good stuff and spits out the rinds and unusable parts. I then added that "paste" into a big pot and boiled it again. Until my jars were done being sanitized. (pause for checking canner.... it is running a bit high, but I think it is still OK).
Now during this time, the prep did not go as smoothly as I have let on. I do not have a manual to the medieval grinder, not good, so I was running from memory, also not so good. I had a slight memory of last year me standing out on my porch, grinding tomatoes. It seems with evolution comes thicker countertops and thicker tables. My old grinder needed a thin table. So today I improvised and used a 2 foot table which belongs to my kids. With some additional help from the hubby and a few phone calls to see if anyone else could remember how to put it together, I got her working. Then I turned my attention to begging hub man to put my pressure canner together. It had been a birthday present from him last year and I still hadn't put it together. He begrudgingly obeyed and a few minutes later I was testing it out. I also endured some heckling as to why I was just getting around to using it..... afterall, "it was expensive". MEN!
In the meantime, my jars were done, my pumpkin puree paste was boiling and I had just OKed my pressure canner..... life was good. So I unloaded some jars onto the table and began filling them (not before raising the temp on the pumpkin so high that it suctioned the lid of my pot right on. I had to bang it with a wooden spoon to free it!) . And I am going to stop here to explain something (but not before checking my pressure canner again!!! I feel like a pregoid running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!) The USDA claims that because pumpkin puree is so thick, pressure canning is unable to raise the temp enough in the middle of the jars to kill all of the bacteria. Now, people have been canning pumpkin puree to use in pies, cakes and cookies for ages, so what has changed? Government intervention. With all of that in mind, I used precautionary measures while still preparing my pumpkin in the most user friendly form. First, I canned most of my pumpkin into 4 ounce jars but followed the instructions and cooking times as if my jars were pints. Second, the 5 or so pints I have canned are for my use only- I plan on using them to bake up pumpkin yummies. Let me just say this. If a microbe can live being steamed for 40+minutes, then boiled again, then put into hot jars and pressure canned for 55 minutes at 11 pounds of pressure then baked again in a 350-400 degree oven, my friends that is one microbe I don't think could be stopped by anything! (pause... less than 15 minutes for my first batch!!!) The USDA does its job and tries to protect people, but without getting into a lengthy discussion of my beliefs, I'll just say this--- If someone is unwilling to eat my stuff, I will totally understand but I believe some things are not meant to be messed with- especially food stuff!
I am logging off this blog for now so that I can clean up the pumpkin dishes and prepare to remove my first batch from the canner!!! I believe I will be using this pressure canner more often! Afterall, it was the first "microwave" if you will!
In any case, back to the pumpkins. I purchased 4 sugar pumpkins from the farm a few weeks ago. I hadn't gotten around to canning them until today. Boy am I glad I didn't do it before today. My kids have gone to grammas and so I had all day today to fool with these new gadgets. (Pause for checking canner.... still good) I first cut the pumpkins and fished out the seeds and guts. Although the taste of pumpkin and squash is AWESOME, I sometimes wonder why it takes so much muscle and effort to get the damn things to their cooking stage. I almost chopped my fingers off too many times to name. The one thing that is both annoying and interesting to me is when you first cut open a squash--- it starts oozing what look like beads of sweat, but it is a sticky but slick nectar. This nectar makes them a hazard for cutting as it is quite easy to slip and slice something off..... however I find that part very magical.... like the beading its way of saying, "yes I am alive" or as if out of some horror show, "NO! DON'T EAT ME!!". No other fruit or veggie does this, just squash. (pause for checking canner.... slight adjustment needed, it was at 12 instead of 11) Don't you find this amazing? I sure do. Mother Nature never lets me down with her variety of life.
Back to pumpkins- I cut the four up into chunks and put it on the stove with a bit of water. Boiled the hell out of it and then sent it through a medieval looking device. It was my moms and it basically takes squishy fruit and veggies and grinds them up into a thickish paste. I LOVE using this thing. It really grinds up the good stuff and spits out the rinds and unusable parts. I then added that "paste" into a big pot and boiled it again. Until my jars were done being sanitized. (pause for checking canner.... it is running a bit high, but I think it is still OK).
Now during this time, the prep did not go as smoothly as I have let on. I do not have a manual to the medieval grinder, not good, so I was running from memory, also not so good. I had a slight memory of last year me standing out on my porch, grinding tomatoes. It seems with evolution comes thicker countertops and thicker tables. My old grinder needed a thin table. So today I improvised and used a 2 foot table which belongs to my kids. With some additional help from the hubby and a few phone calls to see if anyone else could remember how to put it together, I got her working. Then I turned my attention to begging hub man to put my pressure canner together. It had been a birthday present from him last year and I still hadn't put it together. He begrudgingly obeyed and a few minutes later I was testing it out. I also endured some heckling as to why I was just getting around to using it..... afterall, "it was expensive". MEN!
In the meantime, my jars were done, my pumpkin puree paste was boiling and I had just OKed my pressure canner..... life was good. So I unloaded some jars onto the table and began filling them (not before raising the temp on the pumpkin so high that it suctioned the lid of my pot right on. I had to bang it with a wooden spoon to free it!) . And I am going to stop here to explain something (but not before checking my pressure canner again!!! I feel like a pregoid running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!) The USDA claims that because pumpkin puree is so thick, pressure canning is unable to raise the temp enough in the middle of the jars to kill all of the bacteria. Now, people have been canning pumpkin puree to use in pies, cakes and cookies for ages, so what has changed? Government intervention. With all of that in mind, I used precautionary measures while still preparing my pumpkin in the most user friendly form. First, I canned most of my pumpkin into 4 ounce jars but followed the instructions and cooking times as if my jars were pints. Second, the 5 or so pints I have canned are for my use only- I plan on using them to bake up pumpkin yummies. Let me just say this. If a microbe can live being steamed for 40+minutes, then boiled again, then put into hot jars and pressure canned for 55 minutes at 11 pounds of pressure then baked again in a 350-400 degree oven, my friends that is one microbe I don't think could be stopped by anything! (pause... less than 15 minutes for my first batch!!!) The USDA does its job and tries to protect people, but without getting into a lengthy discussion of my beliefs, I'll just say this--- If someone is unwilling to eat my stuff, I will totally understand but I believe some things are not meant to be messed with- especially food stuff!
I am logging off this blog for now so that I can clean up the pumpkin dishes and prepare to remove my first batch from the canner!!! I believe I will be using this pressure canner more often! Afterall, it was the first "microwave" if you will!
Jelly, Jelly EVERYWHERE!
Last weekend, I decided to, even though I was sick, make jelly from the Quinces. I had Matt pull out the ladder and I parked Oliver at the bottom of it with a bag. I was quite disappointed as I climbed the ladder. Most of my precious fruit was browning, full of worms or past it's prime. I pulled what I could salvage from the tree all the while taking in the intoxicating smell of the quinces. Someone on the internet said they smell like a cross between a pineapple and a mango and they couldn't have said it better. From the smell of these small, fuzzy, pear shaped fruits, you would think taking a big bite out of one would yield a happy picker. On the contrary, they are sour even though they smell sweet. Not as sour as a lemon, but much more sour than a granny smith apple. So I took what I had, not even a quarter of a bag, and brought them into the house. I began cutting around the brown spots and worms. I thought I'd get maybe 12- 4oz jars of jelly from my crop. I quickly found that from the small amount I had, I was able to fill two pots full of the fruit. This was my first time making jelly and the recipe I found hadn't called for any added pectin. So I foolishly continued cooking, mashing and straining the juices from my beautiful quinces. Now after doing all of that, I ended up with 25 cups of juice!!! AND had I been able to pick a few weeks earlier, I would have doubled if not tripled my yield. To that juice, the recipe called for an almost equal amount of sugar to be boiled down with the juice. I followed the recipe to a T but ended up with a slightly congealed consistancy. It tasted delicious though and I ended up with 24- 4oz jars, 9- half pints and 4- pints (I would have done all 4oz or half pints but I ran out of those jars). The former yellow/green fruits turn a gorgeous red color when turned to jelly!!! All I can say is YUMMY IN MY TUMMY- And guess what you all are getting for Christmas :)
QUINCES you dumb ass---- QUINCES!!!
So today I was quickly looking through my Bon Appetite Magazine....... in there was an article on what is in season during the fall. Drawn in pencil, quite nicely I might add, was a picture of my Peapples- They aren't Peapples, they are Quinces!!!! And after reading online that those babies go for about $2 a pop, I am quite excited that I have an exotic tree in my yard. Now, I just need to find out why they weren't there last year. Are they biannual? Who cares at this point! I got 'em and I plan on cookin' em!!!
Funny thing is my Great Aunt came over today for a party, walked out onto my porch and said, "Oh! Danielle has a Quince tree." We all asked where she was a month ago when we were trying to convince my future brother in law to eat one.
Funny thing is my Great Aunt came over today for a party, walked out onto my porch and said, "Oh! Danielle has a Quince tree." We all asked where she was a month ago when we were trying to convince my future brother in law to eat one.
Fall is upon us!!!
So I guess it is official, according to the calendar at least, that fall is here. Being sick this entire month has made me feel as if we are just entering September, not leaving it. I did manage during my "sickies" to venture out last saturday with my husband and children to pick up the sticks that the wind storm had shaken loose from our huge oak trees. All around us were "sticks" if you can call them that, some of those suckers looked like full blown limbs. Matt, earlier in the season, had travelled about an hour south of us to purchase a chipper from a guy. He had posted it on craigslist and it seemed to be the perfect price. So Matt went and brought it home. We lovingly call it "the beast". It is much heavier and bulkier than the newer models, but we got it for a steal, saved it from a landfill, and it is quite a useful tool for us. Last Saturday, we dragged out the beast, and fed it for 9 hours straight. What we ended up with was a beautiful green tinted mulch that I was able to put all around my plants. It looks so pretty. Even though the soreness set in shortly after finishing, I was so proud of my new green, green mulch.
In my big session last saturday, I also pulled up my tomato plants, my eggplant, my spicy peppers, and my cabbages. In their place I planted my three mums, who by the way aren't looking so good. I have heard NOT to give them a boost with fertilizer, BUT my MIL gave hers a boost and they look gorgeous. So I am in the midst of the "should I or shouldn't I" battle that happens so often in my head. ARGH! I just need to do it and deal with the consequences later.
This past spring I purchased a Eucalyptus plant. I put it into a container, knowing come fall it needs to be moved indoors. But for the summer, I parked it right outside of my front door. That sucker has grown so beautifully!!! I am getting ready to move her inside and into my sunroom. The Eucalyptus plant is from Austrailia and is really good for when you have congestion in your chest. You crush up some leaves and steep them in hot water and then breathe the scented steam in. Before buying this plant, I bought the essential oil and added it to my shower in the morning. The water and steam would waft up and help me breathe a little easier.
I also recently purchased some herbs. I put them into a planter and put it out in the yard to get sunlight. I will be moving that indoors and look SO forward to fresh herbs all winter!!!!!
This past week, I was shopping at Sam's Club. This past spring I bought one of their boxes of Dahlia's. I planted them and low and behold, when they finally bloomed (which took a while), they are now the highlight of my yard. Everytime I look at them, I just smile. I absolutely LOVE them. So I didn't even hesitate for one moment when I fell upon the spring bulb display. On it were GORGEOUS bright red tulips and a mixture of crocus' of different purples and whites. I bought one of each and mixed them up with the daffodils I dug up last spring. I had a bucket FULL of yellow and off white daffodil bulbs. I planted all 60 tulips, all 100 crocus and about 100-150 daffodils in three areas of my yard. I plan on going back to buy more tulips and also some hyacinth. I have a few Iris' I need to get in and I may buy some of them too. I have at least three other areas in the front that need some spring love, not to mention the back of my house. Come spring, I am going to be one happy little girl!!!!
In my big session last saturday, I also pulled up my tomato plants, my eggplant, my spicy peppers, and my cabbages. In their place I planted my three mums, who by the way aren't looking so good. I have heard NOT to give them a boost with fertilizer, BUT my MIL gave hers a boost and they look gorgeous. So I am in the midst of the "should I or shouldn't I" battle that happens so often in my head. ARGH! I just need to do it and deal with the consequences later.
This past spring I purchased a Eucalyptus plant. I put it into a container, knowing come fall it needs to be moved indoors. But for the summer, I parked it right outside of my front door. That sucker has grown so beautifully!!! I am getting ready to move her inside and into my sunroom. The Eucalyptus plant is from Austrailia and is really good for when you have congestion in your chest. You crush up some leaves and steep them in hot water and then breathe the scented steam in. Before buying this plant, I bought the essential oil and added it to my shower in the morning. The water and steam would waft up and help me breathe a little easier.
I also recently purchased some herbs. I put them into a planter and put it out in the yard to get sunlight. I will be moving that indoors and look SO forward to fresh herbs all winter!!!!!
This past week, I was shopping at Sam's Club. This past spring I bought one of their boxes of Dahlia's. I planted them and low and behold, when they finally bloomed (which took a while), they are now the highlight of my yard. Everytime I look at them, I just smile. I absolutely LOVE them. So I didn't even hesitate for one moment when I fell upon the spring bulb display. On it were GORGEOUS bright red tulips and a mixture of crocus' of different purples and whites. I bought one of each and mixed them up with the daffodils I dug up last spring. I had a bucket FULL of yellow and off white daffodil bulbs. I planted all 60 tulips, all 100 crocus and about 100-150 daffodils in three areas of my yard. I plan on going back to buy more tulips and also some hyacinth. I have a few Iris' I need to get in and I may buy some of them too. I have at least three other areas in the front that need some spring love, not to mention the back of my house. Come spring, I am going to be one happy little girl!!!!
It's ALIVE!!!
NO KIDDING! The Oakleaf Hydrangea I killed is coming back!!! I was heading out the the compost pile the other day and was thinking I really need to chop back the dead branches of this bush. Afterall, my yard is beginning to look like the Adams Family. So I got my pruners and started chopping away and then realized from amidst the roots of the plant were new "oak leaves". Upon further inspection, I realized that the damn thing has rerooted and is sending up a new plant! YEAH!!!!!! I'll take pictures and post them in a day or so.
Also, I have a fuzzy apple-ish looking tree/bush. Not sure what it is and so far everyone I have shown it to, scratches their head....... I think I'll start calling it the Peapple tree..... half peach, half apple. My sister's boyfriend was gonna take a bite of one and see what it tastes like, but my mom and sister put a stop to it. They were afraid he'd get sick. I personally was hoping he would have. Oh well, I'll give it a few more weeks and see what happens.
Also, I have a fuzzy apple-ish looking tree/bush. Not sure what it is and so far everyone I have shown it to, scratches their head....... I think I'll start calling it the Peapple tree..... half peach, half apple. My sister's boyfriend was gonna take a bite of one and see what it tastes like, but my mom and sister put a stop to it. They were afraid he'd get sick. I personally was hoping he would have. Oh well, I'll give it a few more weeks and see what happens.
We have a harvest!
So after this whole summer NOTHING- Now all of a sudden my whole yard is in bloom (or most of it is)- Today Gaby and I picked a basket full of tomatoes!!! And there are many oranges and greens on the vines. I think by the weekend I'll be able to can my first batch of maters!!! I also cut our first eggplant off the vine. It is purple and gorgeous!
Then after picking those maters I travelled around to the front of the house and saw an
explosion of jalapeno peppers- Matt's mouth is salvating about these!! I had planted a bunch of different hot peppers, but forgot the ornamental grasses take over--- so a few plants adapted and grew through the grasses. We have buds on them!! I am so excited to see what they are!
I purchased three mum's yesterday and am photographing them and posting them so maybe I'll be able to say in a year or so that I actually didn't kill them!!! I bought one bright yellow, one
purple with yellow centers and one called salsa- it is bright red with yellow centers. I hope to buy more, but we'll see how these ones do first.......
Delayed Growth???
I took a walk around my yard the other day. I was reflecting on the growth of my plants and realized that I think all of my plants are delayed in their growth. Take for instance the Dahlia's I planted in early summer. They are just starting to flower. And really this is the only full flower I have. Many buds but this is the only one flowering.
also have an eggplant given to me by my neighbor. It has just one eggplant on it. Many buds but only one eggplant as of yet. I saw a honeybee in there today buzzing around doing his job. Fascinating creatures they are. I sure hope someone figures out what is going on with them.
I also have a few cabbages. Two to be exact. But I think the Japanese Beetles ate all of the leaves. I am hoping that they feasted on the outer leaves but left the inners for me!!!
I am looking forward to harvesting my 1 gazillion tomatoes..... but will discuss that on a further post. For now, I am off to listen to the beautiful sound of the cicadas in August!!!
My Successes
Although they have been few and far between, I have actually had a few successes when it comes to my yard this year. I've managed to keep a few things alive and I've even grown, without much help, several plants. Below are my successes:
1. My Pennsylvania Wild Flowers- beginning as seeds, I scattered them throughout my yard. Just recently have they begun to show themselves. I thought some of them were weeds and was going to pull them as soon as I could get my lazy butt moving. Good thing I didn't. My brother Dennis is giving me a book to identify them.
2. My tomatoes- which have grown into monsters! I should have staked them, as I mentioned in the previous email...... but didn't until this weekend. Bad move. Point taken for next year.
3. My Day lilies. They line my drive way and are a gorgeous mix of crimson and gold. I am thinking of splitting them and growing their area. Although I didn't plant these, I didn't kill em' either. Yeah me!
4. Hydrangeas- One beautiful blue one and one limelight one. I bought both at Brenkles this year and planted them on either corner of my lot. I am hoping for big beautiful bushes some day. The blue one had been pushed to bloom in the spring..... the woman told me it wouldn't bloom again this year, however I have buds. I just hope it doesn't crap out for next year! I also have three existing bushes. Two are white and one is coming in pink. The pink one is in a VERY shaded area and I am thinking I will move it next year.
5. Mint- didn't kill it this year! WHOO HOO!
6. Dahlias and Gladiolas- Both doing well...... growing at least.
7. Some shade plants- transplanted a few from my neighbor AND bought a few purple ones for my patio area and they are living!!!
8. Rhododendrons- Transplanted and doing OK
9. Peas- the nazi threw a few out but the ones that survived are thriving!!!!! YUMMY!
10. Astilbe- semi alive..... we'll see how they do!!!
and the miracle of ALL MIRACLES--- popcorn verburnum is coming back and coming back strong!!! It has more leaves on it each day!!! YEEEEE HAA!
1. My Pennsylvania Wild Flowers- beginning as seeds, I scattered them throughout my yard. Just recently have they begun to show themselves. I thought some of them were weeds and was going to pull them as soon as I could get my lazy butt moving. Good thing I didn't. My brother Dennis is giving me a book to identify them.
2. My tomatoes- which have grown into monsters! I should have staked them, as I mentioned in the previous email...... but didn't until this weekend. Bad move. Point taken for next year.
3. My Day lilies. They line my drive way and are a gorgeous mix of crimson and gold. I am thinking of splitting them and growing their area. Although I didn't plant these, I didn't kill em' either. Yeah me!
4. Hydrangeas- One beautiful blue one and one limelight one. I bought both at Brenkles this year and planted them on either corner of my lot. I am hoping for big beautiful bushes some day. The blue one had been pushed to bloom in the spring..... the woman told me it wouldn't bloom again this year, however I have buds. I just hope it doesn't crap out for next year! I also have three existing bushes. Two are white and one is coming in pink. The pink one is in a VERY shaded area and I am thinking I will move it next year.
5. Mint- didn't kill it this year! WHOO HOO!
6. Dahlias and Gladiolas- Both doing well...... growing at least.
7. Some shade plants- transplanted a few from my neighbor AND bought a few purple ones for my patio area and they are living!!!
8. Rhododendrons- Transplanted and doing OK
9. Peas- the nazi threw a few out but the ones that survived are thriving!!!!! YUMMY!
10. Astilbe- semi alive..... we'll see how they do!!!
and the miracle of ALL MIRACLES--- popcorn verburnum is coming back and coming back strong!!! It has more leaves on it each day!!! YEEEEE HAA!
Houston, We have buds!!
I need to reverse the obituary on my popcorn verburnum. It is ALIVE! Fancy that! Yesterday I was walking a friend around my yard showing her all of my plantings, when we came across the verburnum. I told her the story surrounding it and just when I started explaining how I thought it may be alive since the wood inside was still green, she agreed. There amongst all of the brown november like branches were buds. LOTS and LOTS of buds...... and a few green leaves. I am hoping it has come back and will be with me for a long time. It is quite a gorgeous plant, when alive and blooming.
Yesterday and today (and probably a bit tomorrow), I have been catching up on work that should have been done a month ago. I began staking my tomato plants. and boy is that a chore. I should have done it when they were little and able to be tied...... but I waited and now they are vining all over the place. Most have taken on a second set of roots and have extremely crooked stems. Staking crooked stems sucks! But I do have maters on some and all have several buds. It seems tomato season is coming which means canning season is here too!!! Yeah!
Yesterday and today (and probably a bit tomorrow), I have been catching up on work that should have been done a month ago. I began staking my tomato plants. and boy is that a chore. I should have done it when they were little and able to be tied...... but I waited and now they are vining all over the place. Most have taken on a second set of roots and have extremely crooked stems. Staking crooked stems sucks! But I do have maters on some and all have several buds. It seems tomato season is coming which means canning season is here too!!! Yeah!
Saturday, after my semi sucessful yardsale, I decided to mow the grass. Since Matt is out of town for an unexpected extra week, I need to keep up with his usual duties. I was at the very end of my mowing, underneath out HUGE mulberry tree when I felt something bite my back. I brushed my hand across my back and kept moving. Later that evening, I glanced at my back and noticed something blackish. I asked my Mother in Law, who was with me at the time, and she said it looked like a very big black head. I knew then that I had been bit by a tick. It totally skeeved me out and made me itchy all over. I called my country mouse friend, Jess, who said to pour alcohol on it and just dig it out. On my way home that evening I called my neighbor, Karen, to see if she would come dig it out. How's that for a neighborly feat? I was embarrassed to ask and I am pretty sure her husband thinks I am strange, but I couldn't go to sleep knowing something was in me.
I called the doctor on call on Sunday and he said I should be fine. He claims Lyme disease in this area is VERY rare but to be safe, to come in on Monday. I did and the nurse practitioner dug out the remaining head portion of the tick. I deduced that when mowing under the mulberry tree, one must have fallen out of the tree on me. We have an over abundance of deer around here and they LOVE to come eat mulberries out of my tree. I am assuming a tick crawled off the deer and onto my tree. I just happened to be it's next target.
So now, to be safe, I called the docs office to get a round of antibiotics. I feel like a hypo, but at the same time, I'd rather be safe than sorry!!!
I called the doctor on call on Sunday and he said I should be fine. He claims Lyme disease in this area is VERY rare but to be safe, to come in on Monday. I did and the nurse practitioner dug out the remaining head portion of the tick. I deduced that when mowing under the mulberry tree, one must have fallen out of the tree on me. We have an over abundance of deer around here and they LOVE to come eat mulberries out of my tree. I am assuming a tick crawled off the deer and onto my tree. I just happened to be it's next target.
So now, to be safe, I called the docs office to get a round of antibiotics. I feel like a hypo, but at the same time, I'd rather be safe than sorry!!!
Unknown Soldier Named
So I found out the name of the "unknown soldier" I lost in transplanting. I have two or three more of these plants out in the front of my house...... so today during my yard sale, one lady stepped up and said, "your oakleaf hydrangeas are beautiful". HA so THAT is what they are!!! My mom was saying the flowers looked like hydrangeas, and she was right!!!!!
I also was approached by several neighbors who mentioned they were impressed to see me working so diligently in my garden this spring, but hadn't seen me out and about in a while. I really didn't feel like getting into the whole "my mom is sick, my husband is out of town, I've got business stuff going on, etc"...... so I just excused myself by saying I was taking a break from gardening since killing most of my spring purchases. However, after saying it, I decided it is time to get back into the game.
Now I need to figure out what I wanna do next.........
I also was approached by several neighbors who mentioned they were impressed to see me working so diligently in my garden this spring, but hadn't seen me out and about in a while. I really didn't feel like getting into the whole "my mom is sick, my husband is out of town, I've got business stuff going on, etc"...... so I just excused myself by saying I was taking a break from gardening since killing most of my spring purchases. However, after saying it, I decided it is time to get back into the game.
Now I need to figure out what I wanna do next.........
There may be HOPE for the Popcorn Verburnum
So I was out tonight taking pictures of a few more plants I've lost along the way (updates to come) and I passed the Popcorn Verburnum. What caught my eye was three green leaves on it. So I cracked one of the branches to find green. Does this mean it is still alive? Maybe I didn't kill it? Anyone have suggestions as to how to bring 'er back? Maybe there still is hope for me as a gardener!!!! Yeah, right...... wait till you see the next post and what else I've killed!
Obituary: Unknown Soldier
Here lies an unknown species of plant, at least to me. Two of her siblings are still living in the front of my house (the live picture). I went to transplant this puppy, but it obviously didn't go so well. I tried like hell to revive her, but I guess her number was up. This is number 2 on my Grimm Reaper list.
Obituary: Bella "Popcorn Verbernum" Smith
Born. March 5, 2007 in a nursery in Atlanta Georgia
Died. June 11, 2008 in Allison Park, PA
Miss Smith lead a fantastic life until she was visited by the Grimm Reaper/Black Thumb Gardener, Danielle Spinola, who miraculously killed her within weeks of purchasing her from Hahn Nursery in the North Hills of Pennsylvania. RIP.
My Patio
The black thumb is BACK!!!
So when I cleaned out what was going to be my cutting garden, until all the trees grew in and blocked EVERY bit of light from the area, I decided to put in some nice flowers and a little patio. I envisioned some really nice little metal chairs and a table for that area and enough flowers that when you sit in there you feel like you are amidst a beautiful flowery garden. I went out and bought a popcorn verburnum, amongst other things....... Well the verburnum is dying...... all droopy and sad looking. So now I have to find a place to transplant it to before it completes it's decline. I am starting to wonder if I will EVER get good at this gardening thing. One of my columbine plants is looking meek too. The other two are thriving quite nicely next to that one..... in that instance, I am thinking I received a BAD plant...... is there such a thing???
Anyway, my patio looks GREAT, at least to me. I reused some red bricks from my father in law's neighbor, so they were free to me. I made a very organic looking patio as none of the lines match up, no bricks are similar, and the steps to reach the patio are made from bricks that are mortared together and surrounded by moss. I plan on attempting to grow something stepable all over the whole patio. I am hoping to find some chairs for my patio on the big 100 mile yardsale. I also have to find some pretty flowers to replace my verburnum AND I have to find a place for the verburnum!!!
Anyway, my patio looks GREAT, at least to me. I reused some red bricks from my father in law's neighbor, so they were free to me. I made a very organic looking patio as none of the lines match up, no bricks are similar, and the steps to reach the patio are made from bricks that are mortared together and surrounded by moss. I plan on attempting to grow something stepable all over the whole patio. I am hoping to find some chairs for my patio on the big 100 mile yardsale. I also have to find some pretty flowers to replace my verburnum AND I have to find a place for the verburnum!!!
40 days and 40 nights
It seems to have been raining here for straight 40 days and nights. And of course, the weather is very cold for this time of year, in my opinion. So as it currently stands, I have a load of manure sitting in my front lawn, a pile of bricks stacked along my new planting bed, a half turned new planting bed and rows of unplanted plants on the front porch. My house currently looks as if a bomb went off....... hopefully the rain holds off enough this week, that I can get the rest done. Maybe if I am lucky, the temperature will be warm, warm, warm. Ahhhh how I would love to move south in times like now!!!
That's ALOT of maters!!!
Today I successfully planted 48 of the 74 tomato plants I had left from seed. I gave my neighbor a few about 2 weeks ago and today gave another neighbor 5 more. Leaving me around 20 to either give away or plant in the ground. I could just destroy them, but seriously I feel like they are my babies AND honestly this is about me trying to keep plants alive, not kill them..... SOOOOOO I am sure I'll be canning my heart out here sooner than later.
To fully appreciate my day today, I need to regress to a few weeks ago..... the afforementioned neighbor who received tomato plants a few weeks ago has become my "gardening buddy" here in the neighborhood. She is probably somewhere in the range of 75-80 years old, deaf in one ear and mostly deaf in the other ear. She weighs in the ball park of 90-100 pound soaking wet and looks like a dear old grandma. So last night when I was working feverishly to get my new flowers in before dark, I turned around and almost had a heart attack. She was standing there quiet as can be. After my heart calmed down a bit I smiled and she asked what I was doing here. I told her and she asked me why I hadn't asked for her help. Not wanting to state the obvious, I just told her it was a last minute plan, etc, etc. She insisted that "tomorrow" she would come help. I said, "really it is OK". That wasn't the plan in her mind.
This morning I got up, got the kids fed and dressed and we went out. The weather here is OK, maybe 60 degrees or more. Chilly if you are standing still but when moving about I was OK with a t shirt and short pants. (this is important later in the story). Oliver got his wheel barrow and I got some shovels. We went to the front yard to collect mushroom manure to wheel around to the back for my tomatoes. After one trip, my garden buddy shows up and says, "wow you got it all in the ground last night". I reply, "yeah, I just wanted to bang it out". She says, "what are you working on now". I say, " getting all those tomato plants in the ground". " Well I'll help" she says. After realizing she wouldn't take NO for an answer, I reluctantly allowed her to walk around back with me and the kids. Not that I didn't want the help, but I just feel bad that this old woman is helping dumb ole me with planting.
We get around back and in my garden plot I have two heads of spinach, a head of rainbow chard and a head of arugula. I had also gotten a bit giddy when my friend Jess mentioned that peas would grow in the cold weather, so I should plant some (a few weeks ago). So I went out, got the pea seeds and planted them. Only about 5 to see what would happen..... remember I am new at this. So we get to the plot and neighbor says, "you gotta turn this ground". I already had but it has been a few weeks. So I take her in and show her my pea pods. I soon find out she didn't hear me. So she agrees with me where to start planting the maters. I start by digging a hole. Oliver is laughing while he fills up the hole with manure. She says "plant the tomato deep in the hole so it can support itself." So I do. But one plant I don't plant deep enough. All frusterated and quite loudly she yells "YOU HAVE TO PLANT THEM DEEPLY!!!". I felt like I was 5 again. At the same time she is short with Oliver for not scooping the manure right. I felt very badly for him, but hey we were in the same boat. Oliver then begins to bring me plants while stepping on my chard, spinach and arugula. She is now becoming more and more frusterated. Gaby starts crying. I am digging and planting at lightning speed because if I don't I am going to get my fingers smacked by the nun. She says " maybe you need to do this when they are sleeping." Oliver goes to play with his car. He gets stuck in the driveway. She pushes him out. And for a moment, I think OK Hitler is gone..... but NO she comes back and starts digging up my dirt totally ignoring the fact that she just dug up my 5 pea plants. When I tell her, "that is one of my pea plants" while pointing to a tiny green plant, roots all showing, lying on top of the dirt..... she picks it up, throws it across the yard and says, "not anymore! Besides if you want peas you have to plant many many plants to get enough for dinner. Also you need more than two spinach. This cooks down and you will have hardly anything left". After digging up the rest of the dirt and handing me plants, she says "I am gonna go now" and like that Hitler is gone. A few moments passed, and I laughed like an idiot that this little old lady, wearing a tossel cap, a big wintery coat and gloves just beat the hell out of us (remember it is like 60 some degrees out). What a day!!!!
To fully appreciate my day today, I need to regress to a few weeks ago..... the afforementioned neighbor who received tomato plants a few weeks ago has become my "gardening buddy" here in the neighborhood. She is probably somewhere in the range of 75-80 years old, deaf in one ear and mostly deaf in the other ear. She weighs in the ball park of 90-100 pound soaking wet and looks like a dear old grandma. So last night when I was working feverishly to get my new flowers in before dark, I turned around and almost had a heart attack. She was standing there quiet as can be. After my heart calmed down a bit I smiled and she asked what I was doing here. I told her and she asked me why I hadn't asked for her help. Not wanting to state the obvious, I just told her it was a last minute plan, etc, etc. She insisted that "tomorrow" she would come help. I said, "really it is OK". That wasn't the plan in her mind.
This morning I got up, got the kids fed and dressed and we went out. The weather here is OK, maybe 60 degrees or more. Chilly if you are standing still but when moving about I was OK with a t shirt and short pants. (this is important later in the story). Oliver got his wheel barrow and I got some shovels. We went to the front yard to collect mushroom manure to wheel around to the back for my tomatoes. After one trip, my garden buddy shows up and says, "wow you got it all in the ground last night". I reply, "yeah, I just wanted to bang it out". She says, "what are you working on now". I say, " getting all those tomato plants in the ground". " Well I'll help" she says. After realizing she wouldn't take NO for an answer, I reluctantly allowed her to walk around back with me and the kids. Not that I didn't want the help, but I just feel bad that this old woman is helping dumb ole me with planting.
We get around back and in my garden plot I have two heads of spinach, a head of rainbow chard and a head of arugula. I had also gotten a bit giddy when my friend Jess mentioned that peas would grow in the cold weather, so I should plant some (a few weeks ago). So I went out, got the pea seeds and planted them. Only about 5 to see what would happen..... remember I am new at this. So we get to the plot and neighbor says, "you gotta turn this ground". I already had but it has been a few weeks. So I take her in and show her my pea pods. I soon find out she didn't hear me. So she agrees with me where to start planting the maters. I start by digging a hole. Oliver is laughing while he fills up the hole with manure. She says "plant the tomato deep in the hole so it can support itself." So I do. But one plant I don't plant deep enough. All frusterated and quite loudly she yells "YOU HAVE TO PLANT THEM DEEPLY!!!". I felt like I was 5 again. At the same time she is short with Oliver for not scooping the manure right. I felt very badly for him, but hey we were in the same boat. Oliver then begins to bring me plants while stepping on my chard, spinach and arugula. She is now becoming more and more frusterated. Gaby starts crying. I am digging and planting at lightning speed because if I don't I am going to get my fingers smacked by the nun. She says " maybe you need to do this when they are sleeping." Oliver goes to play with his car. He gets stuck in the driveway. She pushes him out. And for a moment, I think OK Hitler is gone..... but NO she comes back and starts digging up my dirt totally ignoring the fact that she just dug up my 5 pea plants. When I tell her, "that is one of my pea plants" while pointing to a tiny green plant, roots all showing, lying on top of the dirt..... she picks it up, throws it across the yard and says, "not anymore! Besides if you want peas you have to plant many many plants to get enough for dinner. Also you need more than two spinach. This cooks down and you will have hardly anything left". After digging up the rest of the dirt and handing me plants, she says "I am gonna go now" and like that Hitler is gone. A few moments passed, and I laughed like an idiot that this little old lady, wearing a tossel cap, a big wintery coat and gloves just beat the hell out of us (remember it is like 60 some degrees out). What a day!!!!
Ivy- Schmivy
Yesterday I decided to have my mushroom manure and top soil delivered for my "cutting garden" in the front of the house. Since I ordered it yesterday morning, the delivery truck could only bring it in the afternoon...... no problem but I just got a late start to my gardening day. It was OK though because I had time to run the the nursery. AHHHH the Nursery. So much to take in, and EVERYTHING I wanted, was for HOT sun areas..... not my partial to mostly shade area. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, my "cutting garden" has turned into a shade garden. I guess the cutting garden will just have to be moved somewhere else.
For my space that was 12 ft by 15 ft, I purchased a popcorn viburnum, a few columbine, some colorful hostas, Astilbe and some mini pansies. I moved my dwarf lilac from the back to the front and completed the look. I filled in with some bulbs of Gladiolas and Dahalia's but am thinking I will have to dig them up and transplant them. I don't think this area will get enough sunlight to support them, but we'll see!!! I am also planning something else for the bare section in the middle of the space, but cannot talk about it yet. If matt reads this, which I am SURE he does not, but if he does, he'll get all up in arms...... so it is best left a surprise all around!!!
I spent the first part of the afternoon pulling out the remainder of the crappy ivy. I know every thing has it's place, however a beautiful plot along the front of my cottage style house is NOT the place for ivy. I think the neighbors think I am a trucker as all of the explatives I could think of flew from my mouth as I pulled each and every root of the stinking ivy out!!!! Then there were the tree roots with which to contend. ARGH, Charlie Brown did that suck!!! But I think I got most of them out and I will have to wrestle the rest out as they rear their ugly heads.... hopefully not too many are left...... However the plot next to the one I just pulled up still has that crap. I hope like hell that I can keep it at bay!!!
My bones are hurting today but I am living up to my Native American name that my Aunt gave to me, "li'l buzzing green thumb" and heading out to sow up a tomato garden like you've never seen before....... especially since I have 25,000 plants!!!! I am going to use the "square foot" method and hopefully minimize my digging and hauling of manure. I promise to post pictures soon.
For my space that was 12 ft by 15 ft, I purchased a popcorn viburnum, a few columbine, some colorful hostas, Astilbe and some mini pansies. I moved my dwarf lilac from the back to the front and completed the look. I filled in with some bulbs of Gladiolas and Dahalia's but am thinking I will have to dig them up and transplant them. I don't think this area will get enough sunlight to support them, but we'll see!!! I am also planning something else for the bare section in the middle of the space, but cannot talk about it yet. If matt reads this, which I am SURE he does not, but if he does, he'll get all up in arms...... so it is best left a surprise all around!!!
I spent the first part of the afternoon pulling out the remainder of the crappy ivy. I know every thing has it's place, however a beautiful plot along the front of my cottage style house is NOT the place for ivy. I think the neighbors think I am a trucker as all of the explatives I could think of flew from my mouth as I pulled each and every root of the stinking ivy out!!!! Then there were the tree roots with which to contend. ARGH, Charlie Brown did that suck!!! But I think I got most of them out and I will have to wrestle the rest out as they rear their ugly heads.... hopefully not too many are left...... However the plot next to the one I just pulled up still has that crap. I hope like hell that I can keep it at bay!!!
My bones are hurting today but I am living up to my Native American name that my Aunt gave to me, "li'l buzzing green thumb" and heading out to sow up a tomato garden like you've never seen before....... especially since I have 25,000 plants!!!! I am going to use the "square foot" method and hopefully minimize my digging and hauling of manure. I promise to post pictures soon.
So from the beginning of my gardening days, I knew I needed holes in the bottom of my planters. However, I failed to use this knowledge when I decided to sprout my own tomato plants. I sprouted them in one of those "sprouters" for lack of a better word. It has about 72+ compartments to start your seeds. I then carefully separated my plants and put them into plastic and foam drinking cups, of which I had a TON of thanks to Sams Club and parties. Thinking they wouldn't be in these cups long, I never put the holes in the bottom of them...... BAD MOVE!! With all of the rain we've had, if I am not ON TOP of them, I find myself dumping out the cups. Hopefully tomorrow the rain holds off enough for me to get them into the ground!!!
Organic Gardening,
sprouting seeds,
tomato plants
A Polygamist Colony of Dandelions PART DEUX
Here is a website ( ) on how to get rid of these suckers........ Corn Meal Gluten is what Aunt Lou suggested. This website also says to spray them with vinegar to kill them and then work to improve your soil as weeds like bad soil....... I wonder if these tricks will kill off the clover too..... HMMMMMM leave that for another day another post.
corn meal gluten,
Organic Gardening,
A Polygamist Colony of Dandelions
So all through my yard are dandelions....... and not the cute yellow kind either..... Most have puffed and then blown their seeds all over God's creation leaving the ugly sticks with bald heads. I thought, no problem, I'll mow the lawn and mow the suckers over. (in the eeyore voice ) Didn't really work..... so I kept running over them with the mower..... back and forth like a sweeper. It worked on some, but others required me to strategically hold the mower handle in while I bent over to yank them out of the ground. Of course not the plant, just the ugly sticks with the bald heads. I think once we get rain again, I am going to look out onto the lawn and discover the colony will have set up shop again!!!! My friend's Aunt Lou mentioned some corn something or other that you put on your lawn in the fall. It is organic and will not allow the "pee to beds" as the Girty clan calls them, to re-grow. As soon as I know the name I'll post it..... until next year, I guess I'll be mowing these stupid things over and over!!!!
Composting and Painting and Rocks, OH MY!
This weekend has proven to be the one that will KILL ME!!! Matt took off on Friday to help me get stuff done before my big Back Yard Tea Party next week.... (I am hoping in the next few years to call it a Garden Tea Party!). Thursday the FedEx man showed up with a package and it happened to be a three bin composter. Matt bought it for me for Mother's Day and I wasn't supposed to know about it, but the box read in big letters "COMPOST BIN" so no surprise for me...... So Friday morning Matt put the sucker together and we've started collecting kitchen scraps. It is so EXCITING to think that garbage can actually turn into dirt!!! OH WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD!!! I am wondering, Den, if I need to leave the green in the garden or should I add it to my composter???
Friday morning I also got my feet wet using a drill..... I know this may not seem like a big accomplishment, but learning power tools give me a "woman power" that, as Oliver says, "I CAN DO IT!" I drilled holes into pots that I found at the local Thrift Stores..... reuse, recycle at it's best!!! I plan to use them in my garden as accent pieces. I also started to dig out the two rododendrons in front of my sun room. They are relatively small and I am transplanting them to the edge of my drive way. (Currently on the right side of the driveway is a mish mosh of small trees, bushes, weeds and tons of old leaves mixed with the HUGE trees that have been there for 90+ years. ) Well to get to the Rododendrons, I needed to rip out some troublesome ivy. Matt loves the stuff, I don't care for it. It doesn't say, "country cottage" like our house does..... He was pretty mad that I pulled out a "live, viable plant". I left half of the area with the ivy for now but have visions of a beautiful cutting garden there with two chairs, a table and lots of butterflies, humming birds and flowers!!!! He just can't see my vision...... and truly I am hoping I can provide that vision!!!
Friday, we also had a few ton of rocks delivered to add to our driveway. Matt would LOVE to pave it, but the cost is prohibitive and I am glad it is. Using the rock allows for drainage rather than runoff which is contributing to pollution in our water systems. I am also considering a water garden and a rain barrel (but we'll chat about these later)! Our original estimate was not correct and so we needed to add a few more ton...... This order came yesterday. Our driveway looks much better!!!
The rest of this weekend was rainy and crappy which was good for us as we painted our living room, sun room and the wall up the steps. We used SO MUCH paint that we didn't expect, AND we haven't even started on the trim!!! YIKES! That will have to transpire later in the season when I am kidless as Oliver stands over me and says, "mommy..... I help...... paintant" and Gaby just takes toy buckets and runs them over freshly painted walls or puts her hand on the wet paint and leans like she is James Dean. OY VEY!!
Matt and I awoke today to find holes in our paint...... so we need to add another f-ing coat. We literally painted until I fell face first into the paint tray last night...... and here we go again. I have a baby shower today so we gotta get it done before I need to leave...... Remind me NEVER to take on this task again!!!!
Friday morning I also got my feet wet using a drill..... I know this may not seem like a big accomplishment, but learning power tools give me a "woman power" that, as Oliver says, "I CAN DO IT!" I drilled holes into pots that I found at the local Thrift Stores..... reuse, recycle at it's best!!! I plan to use them in my garden as accent pieces. I also started to dig out the two rododendrons in front of my sun room. They are relatively small and I am transplanting them to the edge of my drive way. (Currently on the right side of the driveway is a mish mosh of small trees, bushes, weeds and tons of old leaves mixed with the HUGE trees that have been there for 90+ years. ) Well to get to the Rododendrons, I needed to rip out some troublesome ivy. Matt loves the stuff, I don't care for it. It doesn't say, "country cottage" like our house does..... He was pretty mad that I pulled out a "live, viable plant". I left half of the area with the ivy for now but have visions of a beautiful cutting garden there with two chairs, a table and lots of butterflies, humming birds and flowers!!!! He just can't see my vision...... and truly I am hoping I can provide that vision!!!
Friday, we also had a few ton of rocks delivered to add to our driveway. Matt would LOVE to pave it, but the cost is prohibitive and I am glad it is. Using the rock allows for drainage rather than runoff which is contributing to pollution in our water systems. I am also considering a water garden and a rain barrel (but we'll chat about these later)! Our original estimate was not correct and so we needed to add a few more ton...... This order came yesterday. Our driveway looks much better!!!
The rest of this weekend was rainy and crappy which was good for us as we painted our living room, sun room and the wall up the steps. We used SO MUCH paint that we didn't expect, AND we haven't even started on the trim!!! YIKES! That will have to transpire later in the season when I am kidless as Oliver stands over me and says, "mommy..... I help...... paintant" and Gaby just takes toy buckets and runs them over freshly painted walls or puts her hand on the wet paint and leans like she is James Dean. OY VEY!!
Matt and I awoke today to find holes in our paint...... so we need to add another f-ing coat. We literally painted until I fell face first into the paint tray last night...... and here we go again. I have a baby shower today so we gotta get it done before I need to leave...... Remind me NEVER to take on this task again!!!!
country cottage,
Organic Gardening,
rain barrel,
water garden
Spring has Sprung
So this blog is about me trying to become a gardener....... and since I am SO very bad at this, I thought I would blog my progress or lack thereof. This is both for my own knowledge so I can look back, hopefully someday, and laugh AND for family and friends of whom are out of town but want to keep up with my growing growing ability ;)
So here goes......
So here goes......
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